Member-only story
How to Survive Almost Anything
On the Incredible Power of Finding Your Why
Viktor Frankl survived Auschwitz and three other Nazi concentration camps by committing himself to finish a manuscript he had been working on.
As a child, I survived shopping with my mother by crawling beneath the clothing racks and collecting as many small pieces of garbage as I could fit inside my pockets.
Finding your why, your telos, your purpose, is how you survive — and thrive — in life.
It is not important what that purpose is. In time, all lesser goals will shrink away, finding themselves replaced with authentic motivations.
So don’t judge a purpose. It might look grand, it might look small. But having a why is a triumph in and of itself. It’s the mark of our species, the common thread through generations, the energy of the human soul.
When life loses its meaning, we’re in danger of losing life. Don’t misunderstand: this is not about the meaning of life itself. Discovering the meaning of life might be important, but not nearly as important for your own sanity and survival as discovering the meaning of your life for today.
Whether it’s writing a psychology book, curating the best pocket garbage collection you’ve ever seen, or setting out on a search for your personal why, contending for a cause can help you survive almost anything… maybe even a pandemic.
That’s day 2. I hope you’re safe and well.