Michael Touchton
1 min readJun 25, 2020


Hi, Andrei!

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. You make a great point. in most cases, I think spreading the writing over an extended period of time would be the best and 'safest' route--and more what I end up doing.

Although there are ways to write about the same idea in more of a 'burst' without making it so obvious, if you will. For example, although I didn't include it in the article, I've also published "listacle" type articles where I talk about the infinite mindset idea as one point among others that all make one larger point that's not itself about having an infinite mindset.

I've found it to be another good way to keep developing an idea without "burning out" our readers. Here's a link to that article if you'd like to see what I mean (it's point #6): https://medium.com/mind-cafe/9-traits-of-people-who-thrive-in-life-no-matter-what-b12820d58c9a

